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The first signs of an inflamed digestive system

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

dog inflamed digestive tract

Treating a dog with the first signs of an inflamed digestive system with a few simple dietary changes.

Commercial foods by their very nature are pro-inflammatory with their cooked proteins, complex carbohydrates and various additives to create a so-called balanced dietary product. For the pet showing signs of inflammation of the digestive tract transitioning them onto a raw species appropriate diet will likely resolve the situation naturally as those inflammatory and allergy triggering foods are replaced with healthier, anti-inflammatory, immune supporting foods[1].

When constructing the raw diet the products should be preservative free, ideally the animal products would be free range whilst the plant products would be organic, thereby avoiding the inclusion of any harmful additives or preservatives. Depending on the symptoms present, additional supplements may be warranted to support the pet returning to good health.

An Omega 3 fatty acid supplement such as Flax seed oil can be a useful addition to the pet’s diet to rectify the imbalance created by the commercial diet. The oil should be cold pressed, bottled in a light proof container and refrigerated to prevent the oil from going rancid. It should also be fed with a suitable Vitamin E source to protect the pet from rancidity occurring within the body[2].

Bone broth is a nutritionally dense supplement which can safely be added to any pets’ diet on a regular basis[3] and is a great way to provide the body with essential nutrients. It has an impressive amino acid profile including Glycine which has both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties[4] and Glutamine which heals the intestinal barrier[5] and regulates both bile production and gastric acid secretion.

Probiotics can be very beneficial for pets, restoring natural gut flora, calming the intestines and supporting digestion and immunity. Plain, unsweetened Greek yoghurt is a pet friendly probiotic which is filled with beneficial bacteria, both live and dead, as well as being an excellent source of high quality protein, vitamins, minerals and enzymes[2].

For those not sensitive to yeast or taking any medications which may be contraindicated, Nutritional or Brewer's yeast can be a beneficial, nutrient rich supplement. It acts as a probiotic increasing digestive enzymes which can be beneficial for those experiencing mild digestive issues or diarrhoea[6]. As a rich source of vitamin-B complex, antioxidants and assorted minerals it also promotes healthy liver function and overall general health[7].


[1] Syme, B. 2011. Scientific Guide to Natural Nutrition. Southbank, Australia: Vets All Natural Pty Ltd. [2] Billinghurst, I. 1993. Give Your Dog a Bone. Bathurst, New South Wales: Warrigal Publishing. [3] Scott, D. 2020. Bone Broth For Dogs? Here's Why It's A Great Idea. Retrieved October 22nd, 2020, from Dogs naturally magazine web site: [4] Hialmarsdottir, F. 2016. What is Bone Broth, and What Are The Benefits? Retrieved October 22nd, 2020, from Healthline web site: [5] Johnson, J. 2020. What are the benefits of bone broth? Retrieved October 22nd, 2020, from Medical news today web site: [6] WebMD Brewers yeast. 2020. Vitamins & Supplements: Brewer's Yeast. Retrieved October 22nd, 2020, from Web MD web site: [7] Elfenbein, H. 2017. Brewer's Yeast for Dogs: Understanding the Benefits and Risks. Retrieved October 22nd, 2020, from Pet MD web site:

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